Handmade soaps: chamomile soap

Olive oil is an excellent basis for making soaps. When olive oil dissolves in water and is mixed with sodium hydroxide, a reaction called saponification produces soap. Olive oil contains vitamins, minerals and proteins which make soaps light, creamy with smooth bubbles and emollient. It is also a perfect soap and shampoo for children. There are two basic methods to elaborate soap:
  • cold process technique which means the ingredients are manipulated at room temperature.
  • hot process when the ingredients are melted in bain-marie.
The hot process is the most simple, fast and safe way. You need to use glycerin o grated soap, melt them in bain-marie, then mix them with essential oils and flavor as you want. Afterwards, you only need to pour the liquid soap into the molds and wait for solidification. The cold process is very similar to the traditional soap making system, but this technique is slower and more laborious than the hot process. Its name is due to the fact that heating the ingredients in unnecessary for this technique. It is based on the combination of fatty acid and a basis. When these two elements make contact, a chemical reaction happens and enables us to obtain the thick mixture and the liquid soap. Chamomile soap Baste a small square or rectangular mold. Prepare a chamomile infusion with distilled water and let it settle. Simmer the olive oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil in a stainless steel container. Save the chamomile tea bag and pour the cold infusion into a glass or enamel bowl. Add sodium hydroxide and start to stir until it dissolves, remember to use latex rubber gloves and eye protection for this manipulation. Put a thermometer in the container and another one in the caustic oils solution. Leave the materials 2 hours, stir them occasionally until the solution thicken. Add the chamomile tea bag and spread the leaves upon the mixture. Pour the essential oils and stir the mixture. Move it immediately to a mold, cover it with a towel and let it settle for at least 48 hours. When the soap gets solid, unmold it using rubber gloves and cut it into bars. Cover it again for 4 more weeks and let it dry. This white and creamy soap is perfect for all skin types. Chamomile leaves give skin a natural look. It can also be used as shampoo to clarify and brighten blond hair. Ingredients:
  • 425ml of distilled or mineral water
  • Two tea bags of chamomile
  • 225ml of BETIS olive oil
  • 510ml of coconut oil
  • 125ml of sweet almond oil
  • 155ml of sodium hydroxide
  • 2 teaspoons of chamomile essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon essential oil

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