Pumpkin flower quesadilla, with Extra Virgin Olive Oil



Drain the pumpkin flower in a strainer. Melt the butter with a little bit of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a frying pan. Add the chopped onion, salt and pepper adapting to your taste.

In a frying pan, put a few drops of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Fill in the tortillas with flower and cheese, fold them in two and put them in the pan, turn round on each side, until the cheese melts. For the spicy sauce, chop all ingredients very thin and mash them with a blender until smooth. Serve the dish with this spicy sauce. 

  • Ingredients
    • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    • 1 little tin of blossom squash
    • Corn or wheat tortillas
    • Butter
    • ¼ onion
    • Cheese to gratin
    • Salt

  • Difficulty

  • kitchen tools
    • Facil

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