BETIS Olive Oil in the Enterprise Europe Network
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  • BETIS Olive Oil in the Enterprise Europe Network



The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses innovate to develop on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for companies of different sizes that are looking to expand their international presence.

This Network is active in more than 60 countries worldwide and it brings together 3,000 experts from more than 600 member organizations.

It will open to us some potential collaboration with:

  • Technologies poles.

  • Innovation support organizations.

  • Universities and research institutes.

  • Regional development organizations.

  • Chambers of commerce and industry.

The Network is the European largest online database of business opportunities. It includes thousands of business, technology and research cooperation proposals from other companies, research, and development organizations.

The Enterprise Europe Network was launched by the European commission in 2008 and Betis Olive Oil will look for some new opportunities to cooperate in a technology, training, and commercial way.

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