Back to school in a healthy way


It's already back to school time! This season can be exciting for both you and your children. While you might be busy because you are preparing all the necessary school supplies, we would like to show you the benefits of olive oil for your growing kids.

Olive oil contains high level of polyphenol and several vitamins which have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer while maintaining a balance in the immune systems of developing children. Shortly, olive oil keeps your children healthy!

In addition, the vitamin A, D, E and K from olive oil can improve the absorption of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. All these elements are important for the growth and both physical and mental development of young kids.

Olive oil is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have a very positive effect on the brain function and learning capacities in children.

To sum up, the consumption of olive oil has been linked to a positive impact on a child's height, weight, and cognitive and behavioral development. Besides, children who follow a diet which contains olive oil have less chances of developing obesity.

Do kids like olive oil? The answer is yes.

Kids usually like fried dishes and sweet treats, olive oil can be used perfectly to prepare both. Olive oil is the best oil to fry: it keeps its structure better than other oils when it is heated and it improves the flavor of the food. Of course, you can also use olive oil to dress salads. And do not forget that a very healthy and tasty snack that kids love is crispy bread dipped in olive oil!